SO! I'm here to write the post that I promised I'd write back in November. Yes, about my dearest best friend, Katie.
She turned 19 in November, actually the day before my brother turned 24, if you remember this post about it.
I actually kind of find it a little scary that she's 19. That means I'm not far behind, and last time I checked I was 8 and she was 9.
(Although in many ways we still are.)
So I was going to post for her birthday, but uh, I was a little busy, and didn't end up thinking about it until it was way too pathetically late. SORRY!!
So I decided on a Reunion post, that I'm dedicating to her in honor of our lovely reunion after 4 months, 2 weeks, 5 days and approximately 20 hours. (Not that we were counting. Note: I counted the hours after the fact...but the rest I knew ahead of time.)
And before I get into the details of the best reunion ever, let me tell you a little bit about my best friend.
I mean, the basics are over there, on your right, click on "My Best Friend."
It's got the basic backstory, but I don't tell you a whole lot about her.
What can I say? Katie is fun, full of life, beautiful, smart, kind, loving and generous. Also extremely patient. I'll start with that.
She's patient because I have a tendency late to everything. And even though over the years I've been late to about 95% of everything we've done together, she doesn't freak out or get pissed of at me. Rather, she's compensated by laughing it off, telling me like it is when she really is pissed off about it, and planning ahead. She usually tells me time about half an hour earlier than she wants to see me. It's quite funny. We're going to a movie? She tells me that it starts half an hour earlier than it really does. Genius that girl is.
Which leads me to Smart. Katie is ridiculously smart, and always has been. She always tells me I'm smart too (and I guess I sorta am.) but she's smart in the general "I kick butt at life" sorta way. She's smart because she doesn't procrastinate like I do. She's smart because she knows her priorities and knows how to set herself boundaries. She's smart because she knows how to organize and manage her time and her life, which then makes her look even smarter cause she's always gotten freaking amazing grades! Like, Bard, the college she's at, gave her a freaking amazing scholarship because she's THAT amazing.
Oh, and did I mention? A few years ago she and I went to South Africa to take a course my Mom helps teach at the University of Kwazulu-Natal every summer (This course had to do with Microbiology research). We had an absolute blast and learned so much in those three weeks. But when we came home, we had the amazing opportunity to continue some of the work we did. While I was interested in what I had learned, and wanted to continue it, I didn't really stay dedicated. Katie however, started coming and working on a pretty regular basis, even taking the same course again at my Mom's lab over the summer. She is now a Biology and Chemistry major, and part of me feels like its because she found what she loves in these courses. She even got a freakin PAID internship at Sloan-Kettering Hospital last summer before we started college. I mean, seriously, she's going to go FAR!
She's beautiful. So she's smart, but add that to the fact that she's drop dead gorgeous and you're like, "Um, who is this person and can I be her?"
Like, let me show you.

I mean seriously. Totally not fair.
And she looks just like her mom too.
AND she's a freakin' fashionista. She dresses absolutely amazingly. I don't know how she does it.
She's kind, loving and generous. She puts others before herself. She's quick to compliment and is so honest about it. She gives so much of herself to you when she's your friend, but in such a quiet way it might take you 10 years to realize it. And then when you do, you feel so ridiculously lucky to be blessed with such an AWESOME friend.
And the best of all, she's fun, and full of life. I mean, seriously, we have the BEST time just hanging out. We can laugh and talk about anything, and manage to do the stupidest or the coolest things and we have a million hilarious stories from over the years.
Although I don't think it gets much better than it was on Thursday. We were actually jumping up and down screaming and hugging for about five minutes. It's ok, we're just awesome.
So, Katie, here's to you. Thank you for being my best friend. I count my lucky stars everyday because you're my best friend. And always will be.
And don't worry, we'll take that road trip someday.
Live. Laugh. Photograph.
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