Monday, October 29, 2012

Childhood Memories.

So I was thinking about when I was a little kid...

and I look at how different it was in comparison to how my sister is now, and geez, we've had two totally different experiences. Neither is better or worse than the other, just different. And that's ok!

But this song crossed my mind, and I couldn't help but post it.

I believe we still have the Raffi video on VHS. Oh man I need to watch that again.

Also... don't you just love the total 80's clothes and hair? Oh it totally cracks me up...And to think, all of those kids are now in their 20's! :D

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Weekend Projects... Preview!

So this weekend was a little crazy.

But in an AMAZING way. :D

Lemme give you a quick rundown.

1. We got a new roommate. She's AWESOME! You'll hear about her later, promise!

2. I bought 30 Apples. I'll also tell you what I did with those too! 

3. We prepared for a very simple way.

4. We made a table. 

Out of cardboard. 

It's awesome.




Anyway... so lots to come... I have to put everything together you see. We're not all done, and I've been photographing everything for evidence. (mwahahaha)




His name is Zeus. 

And Zeus took this:

This is our milk carton ghost. 

Happy Halloween!

Live, Laugh, Photograph.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Politics Again...

So for my American Heritage Class, we're going to be writing an essay basing on an argument and opinion gleaned from a video. Whilst watching the video I realized that this is EXACTLY what I was trying to say in my post the other day. This writer, David Frum, usually writes from a pretty conservative perspective, while I tend to lean on the liberal side...

One would think that I would disagree with what he is saying, however, this ideology is above liberal or conservative, Democratic or Republican. Rather, the issue has more to do with the foundations of who is in the government and how they act!

Here's the video. Please watch and tell me what you think!


Wednesday, October 24, 2012

The Utah Shakespearean Festival

So in the late 1980's, every summer, a group of college students from BYU would go down to Cedar City to see the Utah Shakespeare Festival.

This group included four couples, one of them my parents. And became known as the Neilar G Harcow PhD group. 

No, I'm not going to explain the name. Just laugh at it, cause it's awesome.

So in the 20+ years since, this group still gets together every summer to enjoy a week of good humor, nerdy discussions, and some quality Shakespeare. And I grew up going every year. And I LOVE IT.

My parent's friends and their families are more like family of my own than anything else. I have a whole extra set of Aunts and Uncles and Cousins who I get to enjoy the company of every year (however briefly). 

This group of people are ones that I hold dear to my heart, and am so blessed to have in my life, and one of the top five reasons I wanted to attend BYU... so I could be several thousand miles closer to them ;)

So this weekend I went with one family down to see some of their fall plays, something I have never done because of the whole- I'm-2,000-miles-away thing. But I totally took advantage of being here, for this year they did two plays:

Hamlet and Stones in His Pockets.

Now I was THRILLED that I got this opportunity to go down, because I have never seen either of these plays, and was really quite excited to see them.

Now, you'll ask, What? How can an avid Shakespeare fan such as yourself not have seen Hamlet before? Well, I shall explain my friends:

I have read the play at least three times. I have seen several movie versions. And, to be quite honest, Hamlet is not even close to my favorite. I guess one could say I'm a Shakespeare hipster, it's too "mainstream" for my taste.

I'm sorry. I needed to break for a minute and laugh ridiculously. I crack myself up. I'm ridiculous.

hehehe, Anyway...(wipes tears from eyes) So I was excited to see it performed on stage, and excited because its Shakespeare festival. I knew they'd do a freakin awesome job.

And they totally did! Costumes and such were set in modern times, even Hamlet's sword was a switchblade. The guy who played Hamlet was phenomenal. Totally mental from the start! 

Something that I thought was quite interesting. There was quite a bit of bizarre and quite inappropriate kissing. Meaning, Hamlet totally smacked one on his uncle, and Ophelia got her brother really really good. At first I was totally creeped out by this, and weirded out that a director would choose to incorporate this. And then it hit me. It totally emphasizes the inappropriate familial relations present in the families, and just how generally screwy everyone is in the play.

And then there was Stones in His Pockets. This is not a Shakespeare, but the Festival does 3 Shakespeare and 3 Non-Shakespeare every summer, one of the the Non's being a Musical. That musical goes into fall as well, and then one Shakespeare and one Non are chosen for Fall as well. Stones in His Pockets was this fall's Non. 

Now, this was done a few years ago, with the actors

 and David Ivers

Back then I was to young to see it, but my parents and the other adults did. When they came back, they RAVED about it for what felt like forever. Which made me want to see it desperately, but sad because I didn't think I'd get to see it with these two ever again, for the Shakespeare Festival never repeats two plays with the same actors in a different season, and Brian and David have been my two favorite actors there for years!

Oh. But they did! And I was especially thrilled because its the Fall that I'm out here!! Oh bless them!

AND IT WAS SO AMAZING! I highly recommend reading or seeing the play.
It's so amazing because of its ability to be hilarious, depressing, hopeful, delightful, thought provoking and just plain sweet all at once.

And the really great part of it all? Just two actors. On stage. The whole time. They play all of the parts. Male and Female, old and young, with totally different personalities too. And they make you feel like there are multiple characters on stage, by only changing their voice and movements. It's truly amazing, a real work of art. And it takes so much skill to play those parts. So much. And of course, Brian and David just outdid themselves. I truly loved it.

And then probably the best part of the Shakespeare Festival? The actors are just real people. Anytime during the season, you're just as likely to find them at any of the nearby restaurants, having conversation with a friend, just living their lives. They are just the sweetest people!

So as we drove down, my "Auntie" asked me if I saw either David or Brian after the show, to sign my ticket for her son, who is currently serving a mission, and was quite upset that he would be missing Stones in His Pockets (I would be too!). Well, by luck I did see them! And I got them to sign my playbill!

:D I do hope he likes it! Maybe it'll make up for not getting a chance to see it.

But here's something really quite interesting that's coming up for the Shakespeare Festival. Both Brian and David have been made Artistic Directors for the Festival, and have made a huge number of changes in order to further fundraising and the like in order to expand the festival. One of their goals is to "Complete the Canon" in the next ten years, and play all of the Shakespeares plays in that time. VERY COOL!

So of course, this summer, we went back as a family and marked off which ones we had seen or not! So I'll list 'em off for ya! Be impressed by my Shakespeare watching skills! :D

-The Comedy of Errors-- Seen 2009
-Much Ado About Nothing-- Seen 2003, 2010
-Taming of the Shrew-- Seen 2004, 2008 (also an all male production in Middle School that was really odd...but cool.)
-As You Like It-- Seen 2002, 2009, and 2012(Shakespeare in the Park this year)
-The Two Gentlemen of Verona-- Seen 2008
-Twelfth Night-- Seen 2007
-Love's Labor's Lost-- Not Seen :(
-Trolius and Cressida-- Not Seen :(
-A Midsummer Night's Dream-- Seen 2011
-All's Well That End's Well-- Seen 2011(Shakespeare in the Park)
-The Merchant of Venice-- Seen 2010
-Measure for Measure-- Not Seen :(
-The Merry Wives of Windsor-- Seen 2006, 2012

-King John-- Not Seen :(
-Richard II-- Not Seen :(
-Henry IV Part One-- Not Seen :(
Henry IV Part Two-- Not Seen :(
-Henry V-- Seen 2009
-Henry VI Part One-- Not Seen :(
-Henry VI Part Two-- Not Seen :(
-Henry VI Part Three-- Not Seen :(
-Richard III-- Seen 2011
-Henry VIII-- Not Seen :(

-Titus Andronicus-- Seen 2012
-King Lear-- Seen 2007
-Romeo and Juliet-- Seen 2005, 2011 (Starred in 2007) ;)
-Macbeth-- Seen 2010
-Julius Caesar-- Not Seen :(
-Antony and Cleopatra-- Not Seen :(
-Hamlet-- Seen 2012
-Coriolanus-- Not Seen :(
-Othello-- Seen 2008
-Timon of Athens-- Not Seen :(

Romances (the really bizarre category that doesn't really exist)
-Pericles-- Not Seen :(
-The Tempest-- Seen 2001
-Cymbeline-- Not Seen
-The Two Noble Kingsman-- Not Seen
-The Winter's Tale-- Seen 2004

So that makes 20 out of 38! How many have you seen? :D

The first Shakespeare I saw was The Tempest... I was seven in 2001. Also, if you look at this, you can tell what sort of category I'm lacking. I've seen nearly all of the comedies but two, but only two of the histories. Well, that's cause, what exactly can you take a kid to? Well, the funny stuff of course! I haven't really been old enough to see some of the more complicated plays until I was a teenager, and of course, the histories tend to get played the least out of everything else... bleh. But I do have to say, how many 18 year olds have seen Titus Andronicus? And enjoyed it? 

(yeah, if you don't get why thats kind of a big deal, please, go update yourself on Shakespeare, I promise, it hasn't changed in a long time.)

Oh, and of course, lemme just mention the Rubster's views...

-Much Ado About Nothing-- 2010
-Midsummer Night's Dream-- 2011
-Romeo and Juliet-- 2011
-Merry Wives of Windsor-- 2012
-As You Like It-- 2012

Not bad for a 9 year old huh? Especially in a three year time frame! :D

So I'll tell you know, Shakespeare is worth it. I've loved every moment of it since minute one of The Tempest, and I'm so glad that Neilar G Harcow gets together every summer... it makes everything SO much better!


P.S. My goal: See every Shakespeare play by the time I'm 28... so ten years from now. And read every single one by the time I'm 23, five years from now. :)

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

I just want my friends back!

Hello world!

And if you are in this world, I do hope you know what's going on in it... for in the next few weeks will be a very big TUESDAY... Meaning... election day in this dear United States of ours.

Now I'm gonna be blunt here.

I hate it.

All of it.

I wanna shoot it.

What is it? Well, it's everything that has to do with this damn, stupid, friggin, cursed, bipolar f;lakdjfahgoihgheowa;lksdjfoeh! election. I'm sorry to those who like to discuss politics, but it really just makes me SO MAD!

I guess I should give you some legitimate reasons for disliking all of this. Well then, here we go.

1) Division: I pretty much hate everyone I know over all of this. I'm so tired of seeing political posts on facebook. I'm tired of hearing conversations about it. Picking fights with friends because of political disagreements that we can do nothing, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, about! I mean, really, how much is your vote really worth? Is it worth getting all riled up and emotional about something when your own opinions mean a minuscule amount in the outcome of the election? I mean, comon! Get a grip! All you're doing is fighting with people and making them angrier and more likely to disagree with you in the future. I'm tired of fighting, and in all honesty, I'd rather forget it all and just have my friends back. They make more of an impact on my daily life than whoever is the President anyway.

2) The state of the country: Now, this is a little bit of what I guess is "my political opinions" but it doesn't really have to do with taking a side on an issue. It's my issue with the country's biggest issue. Whoever gets elected will do the best job they can with what they see fit. There is no doubt in my mind about that. And in reality, I believe that there is really quite little that they do that will be very similar to what they are promising they will do now. What I think really needs to be changed is the country's attitude toward political issues. The huge partisanship that is occurring is quite disturbing. I don't think that this is how it is supposed to work. The fact that there is very little ability to compromise within Congress is what makes this such a big deal, since I feel Congress was intended to better represent Public Opinion more than the President can. Issues get fought over again and again, with little to no compromise made and no solution. What are we supposed to do with that?
I'm not interested in cause and effects of one man's actions in our country. I'm interested in unity. We're supposed to be the greatest country in the world. But the longer I live the more I believe that we're total liars, too stuck up and snobby to actually acknowledge that we're not perfect. Yes, we're powerful, and have a lot of influence on the world's stage. But we're a pretty snobby people. Just because we're powerful doesn't mean we should lose the will to give, share, and coexist in peace. It's not fair to anyone.

I hate that so much supposedly rests on the decisions of one man. I mean, that shouldn't happen anywhere! Not even Heavenly Father chose to construct his plan alone. He needed both Jesus Christ's and the Holy Ghost's help. 

They are both only one man. Admittably, with quite a bit of power, but not enough to rely on to change your life. That's not fair, for him or for you.

So here's what I suggest. Vote for whomever you like. But don't get hung up on the results. Don't be a sore loser or a stuck up winner. Don't blame one man for the problems you're dealing with. So much of it is out of his control. 

Focus on your representatives. Look at them closely. Are they really who you want? Do you care about them as much as you do who is President?

Do you look around you? Do you realize that you are NOT the only one dealing with the problems of life? Do you recognize that there is a WHOLE WORLD out there where many aren't even luck enough to complain about their leaders?

Read your posts, your opinions. Listen to what you say about your country and its politics. If you were from another country, how would you sound? Would  it be fair that you are complaining about your leaders or possible leaders and yet still say that you are the best? What right do you have to claim the top spot if you still feel there is something wrong? 

Be satisfied with what you have. Both in your own home and in the White House. Make the best of it, because like it or not, what happens, happens, and whoever ends up there will lead our country for four years. So how will you react? Will you cheer? Will you whine and complain? Or will you sit back, look at the world, and pray that he might bring us a little bit closer together?

I know that that is what I'll be doing. And I'll be waiting, waiting to talk with my friends again about something other than politics.


Note: This post doesn't mean to offend anybody. I'm not disagreeing with anyone, and you are more than welcome to believe the exact opposite. I will not argue with you, because that is what you believe. Feel free to comment below, for I would love to hear your reactions to this. I do hope that they are peaceful and polite though.

Monday, October 22, 2012

The Internet, It's a Distracting Place: PT 2!


So, I realized today that it's been nearly 3 weeks since I posted... Whoops!

So I'm back with the next installment of complaints about how distracting the internet is! YES!

So, you've had some time to contemplate facebook and its distractive qualities, lets talk about the next huge time suck...


(and all other video related websites: hulu plus, amazon instant, putlocker, other possible illegal pirated stuff...ya know...)

(not that I EVER watch illegal movies online...PROMISE MOM!)

Now, for most things out there, you can pay a ridiculously low amount of money for the instant gratification that comes with watching whatever movie that crosses your mind. 

$8 a month for netflix and hulu. $2 to rent on amazon. Nothing but maybe 5 minutes to search on youtube or other video related websites. Maybe 10 if you're aiming for a full movie on putlocker or the like.

And then BOOM! Like 2 hours of your day is gone...if you're lucky. Which I never am.

But don't get me wrong. IT'S AWESOME! I love it sooo sooo much! Except when its four am and I have to sleep before class. Then it's no fun.

So here's my question. How do you manage the time? How do you stop yourself from saying "well...maybe just ONE more episode won't hurt."?

I guess I don't do a very good job with this, but I find that there is one thing that helps.

A TV. 

I know, so weird right?

Lemme explain. All I have is my computer. So all Netflix watching must be done through it. I also have a little (freaking awesome!) tv, and a cable to plug my laptop in. 

So when I plug my laptop in, and sit on the couch to watch an episode of whatever I'm watching (last week it was Say Yes to the Dress... don't judge please) I must get up to switch to the next episode. Bleh. Most of the time my laziness takes over and I'm too lazy to even do that. Or the whole standing up thing resets my brain, and when by the time I go to switch it, my brain has gone through this whole little mental battle.

Bad Lizzie: "Comon' just one more episode! It won't hurt!"
(please imagine me holding up two little lizzie's on each shoulder, devil and angel, talking in really high pitched girly voices. This is how my brain works)

Good Lizzie: "Ah but think of how much homework you have to do! And you have to get to class in twenty minutes!"
(no lie, this has happened before)

Bad Lizzie: "Well it's not my fault they rely on the honor system. And I can turn in my assignment online, no big deal!"

Good Lizzie: "yeah, but that means you need to be honorable!"

Bad Lizzie: "Psh, I've got YEARS to be honorable!"

And then Bad Lizzie will win.

Hey, I didn't say it was a perfect system. It works 25% of the time! :D

So what do you do? Any advice for an idiot freshman? :D 

Remember, Live, Laugh, Photograph.

P.S. Upon re-reading this, I've decided it's stupid. And rather counter-productive...I'm not gonna talk about how distracting the internet is...You know that.. otherwise you wouldn't be on it! :D Hooray for justifications!

P.P.S. Guess what's coming in the mail this week? I'M SO EXCITED!! :D

Sunday, October 7, 2012

That's a serious game changer!

So we've got some new information that's sorta shifted my world upside down.

During General Conference today it was announced that the age requirement for serving a mission had been lowered. Men, who before went off at 19 to serve two years, can now leave at the age of 18 so long as they have graduated from high school.

But I'm a woman, so lets focus on that change...

Previously, women could put their papers in and serve a mission at the age of 21 for a year and a half. Now... they can go at 19.

I turn 19 in less than a year.


like, whoa.

Now, I'm going to explain a couple of things for the few non-members who might read this.

Typically, a surprisingly large amount of women weren't serving missions at 21. Now, this wasn't because they didn't want to, no, they were just married, or close to it. Especially here at BYU. So many women wouldn't think or prepare to serve a mission because they were sure they'd just get married first.

But now all of that has changed.

I was always a little so-so on the whole mission thing. It's not that I want to get married right away or anything, its just, to be honest, I've always been a little terrified of the idea. Not to mention I never thought I would be good enough to go.

So I had always planned to approach the issue when I was older, and close to graduating from college. I was thinking that I'd even wait until I had graduated before heading off, and I was sure that I'd be mature enough to handle it then.

But that would have meant that I'd be 23 before I'd leave.

Now there's this whole new possibility. That I could leave, next summer, and spend a year and a half serving the Lord somewhere in the world (Maybe Italy, please Heavenly Father? Please?)

A huge part of me recognizes this HUGE opportunity. 

but another part is scared out of my mind. 

What if I'm a terrible missionary? I can barely regulate myself in a reasonable schedule, how can I be expected to get up at 6am with no trouble whatsoever? What if I somehow manage to screw up other people's lives instead of helping them? 

I can barely make it two to three days without talking to my mom, and I'm supposed to go a year and a half and only talk to her three times? 

And deep down, I know that I'm just lost in a massive whirlwind of changes that come with being a brand new adult striking out on my own. My faith, my testimony, and my relationship with the gospel is nowhere near strong. I question everything, and have no idea what exactly it is that I believe. How am I supposed to spread the gospel to other people when I'm just as, or even more confused than they are?

But then I look at all of the people I've seen go on missions and come back. My brother. I swear, he was a different person when he came back, still the same, but a much stronger, more confident individual, albeit in a very quiet way. He knew who he was when he came back. He knew how to face the hard stuff...something I'm really not good at.

Several of my cousins have gone and come back. And each one I've seen (specifically Steven and Ashley, sorry to call you out guys, but I just need to say it...) have come back, and still been the same, but held a quiet confidence that feels like they could take on the world if they wanted to. It's really an amazing thing.

And of course, there's always the simplest part... yes, I do want to serve, but its merely a matter of when. Not only do I need to be prepared, but it needs to coincide with my education, something that I value highly after the Gospel.

Do I go now, which will actually be less complicating for my educational career, or later, where there will be more details to figure out and more work to do, but I might be more prepared in the end?

Either way I know that it'll end up being one of the most difficult fights of my life, and given how difficult the end of high school was for me, am I ready to go into round 2?

And of course, some would say that if I just trust in the Lord, then all of my worries and struggles will work out eventually, through patience and putting my heart and soul into the work.

But trusting the Lord isn't what I'm worried about. It's trusting ME. I've had enough experience to know that I can't trust myself. And that's what really scares me. Can I work hard enough for the Lord and for the church and not leave them disappointed like I have for so many people for so many years of my life?

I can put my papers in as early as March. I guess we'll have to see how it goes from now til then. Who knows what will happen? Maybe I'll get a curveball from out of nowhere, and all of my plans will be knocked into left field. Maybe I'll meet a guy....

Just kidding. If I got engaged my freshman year of college I think my parents would kill me.
Although, that is what happened to mom, but that's not the point. 

So maybe I'll get to pull out Maude's (my grandmother on my fathers' side) missionary nametag sooner than I thought. 

Well, lots to think about.

Maybe I'll get sent here...

Globe Theatre in London

St. Paul's Cathedral, London

or here...

Canal in Venice

Alley in Venice

Yup... I got some photo editing done ;)

Live, Laugh, Photograph.

Friday, October 5, 2012

The Internet, It's a Distracting Place...

So on any given day, when I get home from class, the last thing I want to do first (hehehe, see what I did there?) is start on my homework.

Some people can do this, no dissing whatsoever here, that's just not my cup of tea.

I need my relaxation, a snack, and a healthy dose of the internet.

It's pretty typical that I come home, grab some food, plop down on "my spot" on the couch, curl up under a blanket and get sucked into my computer. 

Sometimes I'm lucky, and after a half hour or so, I pull myself out and do my homework. Other times...not so much.

It'll get to a point where both roommates have gone to bed, I'm sitting in the same spot on the couch and I finally look up at the clock. OH MY GOSH! How'd it get to be 3am so fast!

Darn internet!

So, one night I forced myself to go to bed at a reasonable time, but because I had been up so late so often, I was, of course, wide awake. So I started thinking about ways to stop myself from getting distracted, and I thought of all of the different distracting elements and then....

(there really was one bedside clock flashes colors)

I should write about how distracting the internet is on my blog!

(Um. I just had a moment where I realized this is probably one of the weirdest, and possibly stupidest ideas I've ever had. I apologize, but I'm going to keep going with this...sorry)

And then I was like... I could make a whole series out of it! Highlighting each part!

(Wow. I'm insane. My only argument is that I was trying to get to sleep at 2am...not a good time to get particularly sane thoughts sometimes.)

So here we go...I'm going to write a couple of posts about the different distracting qualities of the internet. I think my goal out of all of this is to see how many people get caught in the same traps I do. Maybe we can work together to get out of this internet quicksand/blackhole thing! Yipee!

So here's the first perpetrator. 

(please, imagine a rather dramatic dun dun dun in the background. This is how my brain works)

Now. I will take note, most of you are probably here from the facebook universe. I mean, that's how I spread the word about this lovely blog. 

Now facebook isn't so bad. Really. There are some total pros! I can keep in contact with those people that are far away, and its way more interactive than talking over the phone. And for the most part I'm merely reading people's statuses, looking at recent photos, and updating my own profile. It doesn't really take much time and isn't particularly crazy. I mean, I could get away with only spending a grand total of five minutes on facebook, but I don't.

See here's the issue, its the whole Facebook stalking thing... and yes, I will admit, I'm a total creeper guys, I read EVERYTHING.

Ahahahah, I'm just joking. I don't stalk people THAT much.

please don't hate me. or unfriend me. I like you.

So it's pretty easy to get caught up looking at one's photos, reading funny posts, and getting linked into other websites because of that which is posted on facebook.

(I hope this is your current problem. like RIGHT NOW as you read this post. Cause you came from FB right? and you clicked on the link right? Have I distracted you? Yes? YES!)

It can start with someone's new profile picture by a professional photographer. I then look up the photographer, and then I'm connected to another, and another and another...

same goes for blogs. :D

Wait... we were talking about FB... how'd we get to blogs? SEE I'M TELLING YOU...I can't even keep it to FB when I'm writing about it.

And that's the danger of Facebook. Not the site itself, but what it connects you to. To other people, who post distracting things, that I follow because I'd rather be reading random crap online than actually doing my American Heritage homework (as evidenced by my now failing grade in the class. Don't worry people, it's only temporary. Didn't realize that there was a late policy...hehehe)

For a while, it was pretty easy to cut my facebook time down because of my iPhone, which limited what I could actually link to because all of the photos, websites and such were too small and annoying to read on that screen. Plus it was way slower than my liking.

But I hated the notification thing on my facebook app. I'm one of those people who has to have an empty voicemail box and all of my apps updated cause I can't stand the little notification thing.

So I turned the notification thing off and now I only use it to upload pictures.

bleh. So now what do I say? I've proven Facebook is a distraction. So I guess I must ask, am I a total freak? Or is this a pit many fall into as they stalk their time away?

And maybe some solutions? 
I've liked a bunch of pages that just post funny pictures and the like several times a day. Maybe unlike them. Less stuff to look at the less distracting right? Let the distracting stuff come from your friends, that's more important the grand scheme of what distracts you.

Now this may sound really really weird, but check it multiple times a day. I find I read the new stuff, but there's not much, and I get bored weird. If I don't check it for a long time, I actually get more distracted rather than if I checked it...uh, three times in a day.

So there you have it. Facebook's distracting abilities in a nutshell.

Note: this is merely the result of self-reflection, I am not responsible for any addictions resulting from information on this post. :D

Oh, also, total Facebook pet peeve. POLITICAL POSTS. Oh goodness... I totally hate it. I mean, people are allowed to network and share their opinions. And I've definitely been known to share a political opinion, article or video every once and a while, but if you're doing that on a daily basis, shoving your opinions down other people's throats, you're just making them upset and angry.

The more often it happens, the more I'm going to ignore you, and more set against those beliefs I'm going to be. There's a time and a place for political discussions, but on the internet where no one can see each others' faces, feelings get hurt and resolutions aren't made.

So my piece of advice, don't post political stuff unless it's a very compelling thing that you believe is particularly thought-provoking. Don't try and change people's minds.

And if you're one of those people who looks at political stuff ALL OF THE TIME, and cares deeply about it, then stay on the websites where that happens. Yes, you may have a political circle on facebook, but all of your other friends who aren't in that place, and don't care, get annoyed very fast, and have a tendency to unfriend or block you (and no, I'm not ashamed to admit, I've done that before)

Alright. There's my piece. My rant is done.

Headed up to Logan this weekend to visit family for General Conference! Hopefully I'll have some new photos for you next week! YAY!

Live, Laugh, Photograph.