So you all know how much I LOVE Christmas by now.
If you don't...well. I hope you do now.
For me Christmas starts the day after Halloween (no, not Thanksgiving). Meaning decorations can go up at the beginning of November and the music can be blasted for the next two months whenever it pleases me.
Unfortunately, not everyone agrees with me. So I've been holding back on my holiday explosions...
December has arrived!
Note: If this sounds familiar please go here. If it doesn't, go anyway. :D
Which means that I get to go nuts on all things Christmasy! Yipee!
I mean... more nuts than I already have. I've got decorations, the music, gifts bought and wrapped and under the tree, sufficiently cold weather and hot chocolate. What could I possibly want right? Hehe....
You'll see.
So I thought I'd start with this, a litte Christmas Questionnaire that I found whist swimming within the depths of the internet. It'll let you know how my Christmases usually go.
1. Egg Nog or Hot Chocolate? Definitely hot chocolate, every time I've tasted egg nog I've wanted to vomit. No offense to egg nog lovers out there, but it's kind of a gross idea. So hot chocolate all the way, with candy canes as stirrers to add some mintiness :D
2. Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree? It really depends. Usually Santa has left out a bit of a bigger present that we can see right away when we wake up Christmas morning. He might hide it under a blanket or something, but it really depends on the present. The rest are wrapped and just mixed in with everything else. I don't know about the rest of the world, but we also get presents from the Tooth Fairy and The Easter Bunny and the like. But that's cause they helped Santa pick out the gifts for us. They're so sweet!
3. Colored Lights or White? Colored. Definitely colored. White is really beautiful, but nothing is quite as amazing as colored lights on a tree, inside or outside, or a house. They're also infinitely more interesting than white lights, something my ADD brain appreciates.
4. Do you hang mistletoe? Hehehehe. No. And (thankfully?) I've never had an experience with it. Plus I really don't want nargles, I've heard that they're a pain to get rid of.
5. When do you put your decorations up? Ah, you know this! The sooner the better, so basically November 1st. But if I have to wait until after Thanksgiving, well, I will.
6. What is your favorite holiday dish? Oh goodness. I really don't know! I guess for specifically on Christmas I love my mom's french toast. But in general I'm a total sucker for all of the sides my mom makes with Thanksgiving dinner. I could eat them all year. Cornbread Sausage Stuffing, Mashed Potatoes (with the skin still on), Roasted Brussels Sprouts, homemade Rolls, and oooh, I'm getting hungry. Over the last few years I've noticed that whatever sides we might have for Thanksgiving tends to pop up more frequently before Christmas. I really really like this trend.
7. Favorite Holiday memory as a Child? Oh I don't know...there are too many to count. As I look back it's never been the presents that mattered, but rather who I was with and the love that's there. I think my favorite was actually just a couple of years ago. It was my brother's first Christmas home from his mission and it was just the five of us. We had the most peaceful and loving Christmas I've ever experienced, and extended it when a snowstorm hit the city, which gave us not only a white Christmas, but it kept us inside for the next two days, which was the most blissful two days of my life. There's something about Christmas that makes everything so magical, and that Christmas was definitely magical.
8. When and how did you learn the truth about Santa? I was 8, the Christmas before my sister was born, and all of my extended family on my mom's side was visiting for Christmas. I left a note on my door asking for Santa's signature, as well as Rudolph's. I woke up Christmas morning to a note from Santa telling me what a good girl I was and a hoof print from Rudolph! I've believed ever since. I've got physical evidence people.
9. Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve? Um, actually, I don't know! I guess it really depends on the year. When we're visiting family we do (like last year, we got pajamas of course, I'm actually wearing them now, they're the best!) but in my immediate family we don't. Although, between my sister and I was ALWAYS get a few pairs of Christmas socks from my mom. Easily one of my favorite presents every year. Its awesome cause then my sister and I can actually match in some way. The same goes for Christmas jewelry too.
10. How do you decorate your Christmas tree? Is there some sort of method? I mean, I guess I'm a little bit of a perfectionist in my family, but I was always concerned with the tree getting completely and evenly covered. Otherwise, the ornaments can be whatever. At home we have store bought baubles, handmade and special gift ornaments, and then we have a huge collection of special ornaments the White House releases every year. Every year, without fail, my Dad's parents, now just Papa, send everyone an ornament for that year. It's one of my favorite things to do every year. To sort through them all and pick out the ones that will go on the tree...because we always run out of space for them all.
11. Snow! Love it or dread it? Love it!! Until I hate it. I mean, in NYC snow barely lasts a day before it's nearly all cleared away and is just slush. So when it snows I get
really excited, but then I get left with slush. So I love snow
when its actually snowing. Then after the fact it's just gross. Except when I'm out of NYC, then its awesome all of the time, cause it actually stays nice.
12. Can you ice skate? Of course! I took lessons for years! I absolutely love ice skating! I wish I could do it more often...
13. Do you remember your favorite gift? Oh there are so many its hard to say. Every year there's a gift that tops everything, but I mean, it really has to do with what age your at. I mean, as a little girl I would say one of my favorites was this giant barbie train thing I wanted so desperately that I begged and begged for for months. But then it was the year I got my brother's old iPod as a hand me down, or when I got my first new iPod the Christmas before he left on his mission. Or the first book of a series that I've been waiting for the end of that my mom got years ago, its one of my favorites! Or the year we got a Wii, or after that permission to get my drivers permit, or last year when I got a new lens, or the year I got diamond earrings because they were "coal". I mean, the list just goes on and on!
Although I think one of the top three has to be the diamond earrings I got when I was sixteen. My mother has always teased us by saying "you want a hint about your christmas present? It's....carbon based." or "you know, coal is surprisingly expensive this year, are you sure you deserve it?" and when she wrapped the present she told me, "Lizzie, I'm giving you coal this year--for real." and shook the box, which sounded like coal shifting around. On Christmas morning I opened it to find the diamond earrings with a little note that says "Carbon based (check), 3 dimensional (check), Coal (highly compressed) (check)" I still have the note too... easily one of my favorites.
Sorry, long story rant, back to the questions!
14. What is the most important thing about the holidays for you? Family. Family family family. I love waking up Christmas morning and spending the time together just experiencing the magic of the day. It's fun to give and to receive, and to watch all of your loved ones just experiencing a blessing of a day
15. What is your favorite holiday dessert? This is harder than the holiday dish one! So if we're going for easy, I'd say Ghirardelli Peppermint Bark Squares and Hot Chocolate. But I have to say I really love Peanut Butter Cookies, you know, the ones with Hershey kisses on the top? And Rollo cookies, those are AMAZING!
Rollo cookies: A Rollo cut in half placed on a pretzel and warmed up in the oven. A pecan placed on top and let cool. Easy, simple, and a Christmas staple in our house.
16. What is your favorite holiday tradition? Do we really have any traditions? We usually have a day where we get the tree and decorate it, as well as put up the nice Nativity set we have (I loved that job as a child, but now it's the Rubster's) and take out Juan the Christmas Boy and his dog (I
will share the details of this...once I have pictures too.) and listen to Christmas music as we do it. I guess that's as traditional was we go. We also usually play the Yule Log thing on the tv on Christmas morning because we don't actually have a fireplace or anything like it. We even hang our stockings off of the TV Center. I guess it's tradition cause we do it every year, and it may be a little odd or different, but that's what I love so much about our Christmases.
17. What tops your tree? A star. I don't get this angel topping business, stars are amazing, and they can light up if you get the right angel just looks weird to me.
18. Which do you prefer: Giving or Receiving? Giving. I used to love Receiving more, but one year my parents told me that I should really look at what I was giving, and since I really try to give to those I love. I mean, it helps that I've given up trying to guess what my parents are going to get me. They shock me every year with something that I never even knew I wanted, and are so clever and creative that I'm always delighted on Christmas morning. Because of this, I've focused all of my energy on giving that same feeling I receive back to everyone, because I want nothing more than to share that surprise and delight with everyone! Except I'm not as good as my mom in that category. She's the queen of gift giving.
19. Candy canes: Yuck or Yum? Who would ever say yuck? Yum yum yum! I even put them on my Christmas tree!!
20. Favorite Christmas Show? A Christmas Story. Followed closely by A Charlie Brown Christmas and It's a Wonderful Life. We watch all every Christmas, and it's not quite Christmas without jokes about the leg lamp or Snoopy's dancing.
21. Saddest Christmas Song? Is there a sad Christmas song? If there is I don't know it. I love 'em all.
22. What is your favorite Christmas song? Oh I don't have favorites! I mean, I really love Harry Connick Jr.'s Christmas Album, as well as Gladys Knight's and Barbara Streisand's. Oh, and some MOTAB as well. I just sorta go with what I'm feeling. I really like all of the classics, they make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
Although I think one of my favorites is one I share with my dad. That's Harry Connick Jr.'s "It must have been ol' Santa Claus." Such a fun song!
23. Do you use an Advent Calendar? Yes, at home we have a little calendar we hang up that has little pockets in it, which we fill with candy that we can eat every day. It's my kind of calendar.
24. Do you go to Church on Christmas? No. I mean, we have if it is on Sunday, but even then I prefer not. For me all things spiritual are very personal, and I prefer to keep Christmas at home with my family. I find that I remember the importance of Christ's birth better when I'm surrounded by the most important people to me. That and I hate dressing up on Christmas. I like staying in my pajamas all day.
25. What were your Christmas morning rules as a kid? Ah, I'm pretty sure that since I was like two I've been the first up Christmas morning. Like, at 16 I woke up before my sister did, and she was 7. Basically we were allowed to go out into the living room and see if Santa had come. Usually something was left out, hiding under a blanket or something, and we could enjoy the general splendor and excitement for what we knew was coming. Usually between 7:30 and 8 we could wake up any sleeping siblings (meaning, Ruby wakes me up or I wake her up, depending on who woke up first) and by 8 we could wake up our parents and we'd start opening presents!
I'm so ridiculously excited for Christmas!
Hehe, hope you guys enjoy this ridiculously long post!
Live, Laugh, Photograph.
Merry Christmassiness!
Coming up: Christmas Nails, The biggest accomplishment of the semester, and a Comedy Obsession.