Oh goodness!! So I'm a little upset, because the last time I posted was on my dear brother's birthday, and that was over 2 weeks ago!! What happened to me?
Well then, I guess I'll just have to give you one giant post of awesomeness to catchup then... :DD
So we'll go in order, which means I actually have to think back to before my last post, since I was missing some things as it is... so...whew... here goes!
Lets start with this:
Christmas Decorating!!! YES!
I'm the kind of person who can barely make it through October without listening to Christmas music, planning out gifts, and starting to enjoy the general wonder of the season. So when I went to Shopko after Halloween (or was it before? If it was...then that shows you how sad of a person I am) and saw that all of their Christmas decorations were on sale for 50% off.
Yes. ON SALE FOR 50% OFF!!
So of course, what did I do? Bought a little fake tree, lights and such with my roommate and we decorated! I'm SO EXCITED!! :D
YAY! They're up!
Working on decking the tree... We made the star by hand with duct tape! :D
Side note: I am hugely against fake trees. And I'm dead serious about this. BUT, I have to respect, my lovely roommate would suffer from some serious allergies if she woke up to a real tree in the house. While I think it still would be fine, she thinks it would probably be easier to do homework without one's eyes swollen shut. *Sigh* I guess I'll have to take her word for it...
BUT! This does mean one other thing! We DO get to have a REAL WREATH!! I'm so excited! So further decorations to come! Stockings, a real wreath, present wrapping and more!!! I LOVE CHRISTMAS!!
Ok, that rant is done...moving on...

My other roommate also made a fireplace out of paper and its beautiful! Plus we got little stockings on sale on black friday... they're adorable! We're also wrapping all of our christmas presents for people and putting them under the tree...because we can :D
I also go to do my roommates hair in this super cute hairstyle that I've never done before. I instantly fell in love with it, but have not yet managed to successfully try it on myself. Darn it!
Before my brother's birthday, was my BEST FRIEND'S BIRTHDAY! It's literally the day before, so I always told myself "Best friends come before brothers" to keep them straight. ;P
I was going to do a huge birthday post for her, but since I'm so late I've decided instead to do a reunion post when I've got more pictures and I can talk talk talk about her without balling my eyes out cause I miss her so much.
Then, for my Brother's birthday, we had a little celebration, but what he didn't know was the awesome surprise we had come. My mom came into town! She hasn't been present for my brother's birthday since he turned 17, so it was great for her to come into town and make him his favorite cheesecake.
Then we of course went up to Logan to visit my grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. Here is basically what happened all weekend:
Yup, I was attacked my crazy boys and a rabid two toothed little girl with the funniest little nose scrunch I've ever seen. Don't be too terrified, she's not as scary as she looks.
Also, my mom and I made an amazing discovery at Denny's right before she left. They're selling food from a Hobbit menu and giving out Hobbit TRADING CARDS! There are 12 of them, 10 base cards and 2 limited edition ones. My roommate and I have so far collected two and a half base sets, with no limited edition ones so far, but we will fight to the death to get them!
They also have a pretty decent "One ring burger." I recommend it if you're gonna go for the collection. It isn't bad for Denny's food.
For Thanksgiving we went down to Arizona to vist my Dad's family, and we had a BLAST! It was great to visit and to enjoy the 80 degree weather. Below is a picture of my brother, who drove the whole way...best brother ever!
We also got to spend some time with my previous Bishop's family in NYC, who recently moved to Arizona, and I had to post this adorable little picture of their littlest girl. Isn't she ADORABLE?
Anyway, more to come soon. I just have to make it through finals and then its Christmas Break! Whoot whoot!
Live, Laugh, Photograph.
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